30 Nisan 2012 Pazartesi



It divides to two parts;
Reproductive Cloning: Reproductive cloning is a type of cloning which is performed for the purpose of creating a duplicate copy of another organism. It is accomplished using a process called somatic cell nuclear transfer. In 1996, Scottish researchers announced that they had successfully cloned the first mammal, a sheep who came to be known as Dolly. Numerous other mammals have been cloned since then, and cloning has become a contentious ethical and scientific issue in some parts of the world.
Therapeutic Cloning:This starts with the same procedure as is used in adult DNA cloning. The resultant embryo would be allowed to grow for perhaps 14 days. It's stem cells would then be extracted and encouraged to grow into a piece of human tissue or a complete human organ for transplant. The end result would not be a human being; it would be a replacement organ, or piece of nerve tissue, or quantity of skin. The first successful therapeutic cloning was accomplished in 2001-NOV by Advanced Cell Technology, a biotech company in Worcester, MA.
Therapeutic cloning is type cloning which is making copies of embryonic stem cell which is very usefull on saving humans because to make operation to people who needs new heart or some organ like that has to have same structure with donors. I think this is acceptable because people's life would save with this system and there is no harmfull effect about it. But I think reproductive cloning shouldn't be legal because it is not ethical. Human and all organism should be unique and although clones has same genotypes environment would affect on them so they would not be all same than the purpose would not come real. And I don't think that there is guarantee to the first cloned humans will be normal. The fetus might suffer from some disorder that is not detectable by ultrasound. They may be born disabled. Disorders may materialize later in life. Such problems have been seen in other cloned mammals. There is no reason to assume that they will not happen in humans.
Large scale cloning could deplete genetic diversity. It is diversity that drives evolution and adaptation. It prevents an entire species from disappearing because of susceptibility to a disease.
As a conclusion I think that reproductive cloning should not be occur but therapeutic cloning  is helpfull.

2 yorum:

  1. I like your explanation and it is a very nice and clear. Also i liked your if first cloned human not be normal idea because if first clone has a some failure it change all cloning section.

  2. I like the part where you mentioned about the importance of the diversity and evolution. Also I really do think that reproductive cloning will damage the diversity more effectively in the future if we continue to do so.
